Unbound Massage & Movement LLC

Anika De Vore LMT #24444

Thai Massage Specialist, Corrective Exercise Specialist, E- RYT 500

AboutAnika has been invested in movement from a young age through dance. Her years in professional ballet and dealing with injuries have informed her path into healing modalities that acknowledge the physical, mental, and emotional bodies as one. Anika has been teaching since 2015 and practicing bodywork since 2018. She particularly enjoys helping clients with Athletic Performance, Injury Rehab, and Chronic Pain.Certifications: 800hrs in Massage Therapy from East West College, 300hrs in Thai Massage from the Naga Center, a combined 800hrs of yoga education from YA certified programs, Corrective Exercise certified through NASM


1 on 1 Mentoring

  • For LMTs desiring to train in Thai Massage or apply Thai techniques to table work

  • For teachers looking for developmental support in anatomy, sequencing, cueing, theming, and more.

  • Book a mentoring session through the appointment button below!

Therapeutic Sessions

I am a strong believer in an integrative approach to healing. From my experience, just stretch, strength, or bodywork isn't the singular solution. While you can book any specific modality I offer, I will often integrate them to serve your individual needs. Read more about the following offerings below:
Thai Massage, Intraoral, Prenatal, Yoga, Corrective Exercise.

Pay It Forward

As I set my own prices, I do not feel the need to accept tips. What I would encourage if you have the resources is to pay it forward. You can contribute after your session, or anytime right here. Each month I will pool together the donations, and offer discounted sessions to those in need. Just $5 can add up!

Sliding ScaleIf you do not have the resources for a full price session, please book a Sliding Scale Session or contact me directly if the listed price options do not fit you’re means.


  • Thai Massage - this fully clothed style of bodywork done on a mat allows for access to deeper tissue and mobility work. Sessions can include deep compression, stretch, joint mobilization, cupping, and scraping.

  • Intraoral Massage - this modality is done with a gloved hand inside the mouth to access deeper jaw muscles that can’t be reached externally. It can be tremendously helpful for those with TMJ/jaw dysfunction/pain, headaches, and neck pain.

  • Pre/post natal - for any stage of pregnancy and beyond. Thai massage utilizes the side lying position often, so is an optimal modality during the course of pregnancy. I use gentle mobilization, soothing movements for the nervous system, and targeted work to release areas of strain that develop along the way.

  • Partner Thai Massage - This session is for a pair of friends or partners who are interested in learning simple Thai massage techniques together! This is a fun way to bond, and be able to provide relief for your friends and family.


  • A movement session will pull from my training in yoga and corrective exercise to serve your individual needs. Learn a little more about both below.

  • Yoga - a private yoga session is meant to serve you. Yoga shines in its ability to train awareness, using breath to unify mind and body. Additionally, it can address postural strain from your occupation, complement athletic training, focus on flexibility/strength goals, or center around stress relief.

  • Corrective Exercise - a methodical way to target muscular imbalance that could be contributing to pain, discomfort, or dysfunctional movement/postural patterns. This is done through assessment, bodywork/self myofascial release, mobility training, and specific strength work.

Sign up below to keep up to date with my availability, workshops, and self care tips!


The Jeffrey Center
1020 SW Taylor St, Suite #804
Portland, OR 97205